Skincare Tips and Advice

How Sugar Affects the Skin
We hear it everywhere when it comes to healthy living: cut back on your sugar intake. Most of us know that excessive sugar in the diet has negative...
Acne-Safer Thanksgiving Dishes
One of the most important steps to staying clear is making sure you avoid all of your acne triggers. Around the holidays that can get tricky, as un...
Acne-Safe Halloween Candy
It can be disappointing to hear for the first time that dairy, peanuts, peanut butter, soy and sugar are all acne triggers. This disappointment can...
The Link Between Dairy and Acne
Dairy is one of the most triggering foods for those who are acne prone and I can usually tell by seeing a client's skin if they have been consuming dairy. The dead giveaway is tender, inflamed acne lesions (many times cystic) found mostly on the cheeks, but also the jawline and chin.
5 Best anti-aging supplements
Aside from a healthy, well balanced diet, some supplements and vitamins have been proven to help improve the skin and prevent premature aging. Whil...
Effects of Wine, Gluten and Sugar on the Skin
Wine:While we have heard that wine has so many great anti-aging benefits, there is a darker side of consumption that we must consider. As you may h...
Is Peanut Butter Contributing to Your Breakouts?
This may be heartbreaking new, but unfortunately, if you are an acne sufferer, peanut butter can be a major culprit to your breakouts for many reas...
#EmmeApproved Acne-Safe Protein Powders
Did you know that your protein powder might be a huge trigger for your breakouts? It's true! Rest assured, I have a plethora of alternative options...
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