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Skincare Tips and Advice

How Sugar Affects the Skin
We hear it everywhere when it comes to healthy living: cut back on your sugar intake. Most of us know that excessive sugar in the diet has negative...
How to Apply Eye Cream
A question I get frequently is "when should I start using an eye treatment and how do I use it in my routine?"These are great questions because jus...
Ditch the Myths: This is What Works
When it comes to reducing wrinkles, lightening hyperpigmentation, and clearing acne, many of us have tried it all. Not only have we tried it all, w...
The Truth About Scary Skincare Myths
We've all heard scary skin stories from friends or even you might have a scary skin story of our own to share.  Stories we hear about the skincare...
The Benefits of Retinol in Skincare
You've likely heard the word "Retinol" before if you're interested in skincare. But what is it and why is it effective? "Retinol" is often used as ...
Are Skincare Tools Worth It?
With so many new high tech skincare tools on the market, it is tempting to purchase them to up your skincare game. While a few may be worth your time and money, most of them simply aren’t powerful enough to be effective (and should be left to the professionals), while others can actually be very damaging to your skin. Before your spend your hard-earned money on these DIY gadgets, here is expert advice from Emme Diane:
How Your Dentist Can Prevent Aging Skin
While your dentist may have suggested that you wear a night guard to help prevent clenching and grinding which wears down the enamel on your teeth (and shorter teeth are a tell-tale sign of aging), a night guard also can also prevent jowls and sagging skin.
How Stress Affects Your Skin

It goes without saying, but stress can definitely affect the skin in not so desirable ways. While breakouts are most commonly associated with stress induce skin troubles (more on this later), there are many other ways stress takes a toll on our skin.

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