Skincare Tips and Advice

What is Multi-Masking and How Do I Do It?
If you are reading this, chances are you are pretty skin savvy and are probably already using a facial mask as a part of your skin care regimen. Be...
Is Peanut Butter Contributing to Your Breakouts?
This may be heartbreaking new, but unfortunately, if you are an acne sufferer, peanut butter can be a major culprit to your breakouts for many reas...
#EmmeApproved Acne-Safe Protein Powders
Did you know that your protein powder might be a huge trigger for your breakouts? It's true! Rest assured, I have a plethora of alternative options...
What are the effects of sugar on skin and aging?
Most everyone knows excessive sugar in our diets isn’t great for our health. But… What are the effects of sugar on skin and aging?  Did you know th...
Stop Picking At Your Skin: The Emme Diane No Picking Agreement
When you have an alien growing on your face, it can be hard to keep your hands off. However, picking at your skin or constantly trying to pop your ...
Accutane (isotretinoin) & Antibiotics for Acne: Good or Bad?
Using medications to treat acne is commonplace these days, but it’s important to understand that medications are not a permanent solution!  Using m...
What Causes Large Pores? Pore Facts, Myths & More!
“Ugh…I have really large pores!” I hear this disparaging statement often. So, let’s get really honest about our pores! Pore Facts You May Not Know ...
Estrogen and Acne: How to Tackle Hormonal Acne Symptoms
As an acne sufferer, you may already know that estrogen and acne are connected. Even if you don’t, you’ve probably spent a good deal of time search...
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