Emily Linehan
Antibiotics, Accutane, and Spironolactone for Acne: What You Should Know
Episode 25

"While these treatments have become commonplace in acne management, they aren’t the magic overnight solution they’re often made out to be..."

If you’ve been following the show for a while, you may have noticed that we talk a lot about acne, and this is no accident. Adult acne is becoming increasingly more common, and with that, prescriptions for medications designed to treat acne are also on the rise.
It’s no surprise that more and more people are turning to medications, like antibiotics, Accutane, and Spironolactone as a solution to clear their skin. In fact, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, over 2 million people have taken Accutane to date. While these treatments have become commonplace in acne management, they aren’t the magic overnight solution they’re often made out to be... and in my opinion, should be considered carefully if your doctor has recommended them for you. So in today’s episode, we will uncover the truth behind these acne medications, including how they work, why they are a temporary bandaid, and some important side effects you will definitely want to consider.
Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and does not take the place of medical advice. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You should always consult with a healthcare professional before starting on any health plan or taking supplements.
Podcast Highlights
- How antibiotics, Accutane, and Spironolactone are used to treat acne
- Short and long term side effects to consider
- Can these medications “cure” acne?
Links Mentioned:
- Is a Hormonal Imbalance Causing Your Acne
- Episode 21: Spotlight on Skin Cancer: A Survivors Story
- Acne 101 Series
- Have skin concerns or looking for help building a routine? Work with me directly for FREE here.
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